Aqualizer® - Must be ordered by a Dental/Medical practice.
The Aqualizer® is not a replacement for proper dental treatment, or permanent splints. It is a short term temporary diagnostic splint.
The Aqualizer® is not indicated for heavy bruxers or clenchers.
TMJ/TMD sufferers use Aqualizer® brand temporary splints for pain relief, functional improvement, and as an aide to diagnosing how much the dental bite is the cause of their problems.
It is a temporary device, and to the extent that it helps, permanent dental treatment is indicated. Dentists need to use an Aqualizer® splint to guide treatment, or there is no guarantee of the treatment matching the Aqualizer®'s effectiveness.
The Aqualizer® should be worn twice as long as it takes for pain relief, and then removed until symptoms begin reappearing. Repeat as necessary. Do not exceed eight hours of wear per twenty-four hours. Remove the Aqualizer® and discontinue use if irritation or other problems develop. Aqualizer® use life is between a few days and sometimes out to a week or so depending on the user’s bruxing clenching habits.
Available in packs of 10.
Assorted 10 packs (5 Medium 3 High 2 Light) $185.00
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